B Credit Workshop S-21

Follow the steps in the video to log into the website for the first time.

  1. Go to your school's domain, such as https://cambridge.nuvustudio.com.
  2. Go to the top right corner of the page and click on Login.
  3. Click on Reset Password, enter your Email and click Send Password Reset Link.
  4. Go to the email you entered in the previous step and look for an email from NuVu with the subject line: "NuVu Password Reset Instructions". Open up this email and click on the pink button titled: Reset your Password.
  5. Follow the link from Reset your Password. Enter a new password once, and then again to confirm. Afterwards, click Update Password to finalize your new password. You'll be automatically logged in. 

Creating your First Post

In this video, we will be talking about creating your very first post. This video talks about basic movement around the website, navigation to a studio and creating content on the website. After this post, consider checking out other videos such as Making the Most Out of Your Posts to get a more advanced look into the editor.

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Getting Started

Any tab in which you have permissions to make a post, you will see the Create A Post Bar. Click inside this bar to start your post. 


Every post must have a title to be published. Type your title in the Create a Post box. 

Slide Editor

The four icons below are tools for the Slide Editor. 

Media Tool

Camera Tool

Embed Tool

Editor Tool

Media Tool

Content uploaded from your computer. This content may be video files, image files, or gifs. When files are dropped or uploaded, a progress bar will appear and on finish, the photo(s) will appear in your post.

Camera Tool

The platform has the ability to connect to a camera that is permanently mounted in your studio or classroom. Some schools may not use this feature. Teachers and Administrators can contact support@nuvustudio.org if you would like to learn more or add this feature to your site.

Once selected, a menu will appear allowing you to scroll through and sort by date. Selecting an image will highlight it with a pink outline. After selecting your images, clicking insert will add them to your presentation

Embed Tool

Videos (Youtube, Vimeo) or links to interactive web-based content (Google Slides, etc.) can be added from this tab. This includes PDFs that are hosted elsewhere on the web or cloud. 

In order for files hosted on a cloud-based service (Google Drive, etc.) to be embedded on the Platform, set the viewing permissions of that file to be anyone with the link or public.

Paste the link to the content in the Gray Text box, and click Embed. The first slide of the linked document, or representative frame from the video, should appear in the Presentation. 

Slide Editor

Before entering the slide editor, you must set a title for your post. The slide editor is a powerful tool to take your presentation design to the next level. See other tutorials for more information on the Slide Editor.

Platform Collaboration

Often times when you're in a studio, you have a partner. A few questions arise: Who is going to post our work? Can we work on a post together? These questions can be answered by talking about the collaboration features on the Platform. Go to any post you've created and click on the gear in the top right. Go down to the bottom option in the drop down menu: Collaborators. From here, you can manage your Collaborators on your post. You can add and remove people from this list. Once added, that user will have editing privileges on your post. They can edit the post name, the body text and even the presentation. Be careful about editing at the same time. The last person to click "publish" after editing a post will override the content. See the video above for an example of this. 

Creating your First Presentation

In this video, we will be talking about creating your very first presentation. We will go over basic navigation to a new presentation, creating new content and finally going over the tools available.  After this post, consider checking out other tutorials, such as the Types of Content tab or check out the master list of Slide Editor Tools to get a more advanced look into the Slide Editor.