How to Log In for the First Time

Kristina Osborn

1. Go to 

2. Click "Login" at the upper right hand corner of your screen. 

3. Click "Reset Password" 

4. Enter your email and  and click " send reset password link" 

5. Go to the email you entered in step 4. You should see an email from NuVu titled "NuVu Password Reset Instructions" . Click on the Reset your Password Button in the email. 

6. Enter your new password and click the "Update Password" button. You will automatically be logged into the site. 

Note: If you are properly logged in, your name should appear in the top right corner of the site. 

Basic Electricity

Andrew Todd Marcus

Introduction to the Slide Editor

Jiyoo Jye

How to use the Media Hub

Combine Video, Gifs, and Images and text, all in one post!