The Last One
How land transformation is changing our home
Raejia Libando, Giare Calibuso, Isaiah Lampitoc
Slide 1: Title page:
Include a representative project image full page in the backgroud. This is likely an animation asset/ prototype - or moving gif.
Move the text as needed to look awesome with your image-
Template Instructions: (Isaiah)
This template is meant to help you organize your mid review presentation. to grab images from other slides, you can copy the entire slide over, then move things from there.
Each slide has text to the side explaining what the content should depict.
it is your kuleana to make sure all the content makes sense. This means paying attention to captions, titles, formating, and not leaving behind traces of the weird gray boxes in the template.
Evocative Image
Slide 2: Evocative Image (Raejia)
Speak your thesis while this slide is up. (people like to look at pictures).
The evocative image is an image that represents the conceptual intent of your project. For instance, if your animation is about the effects of extreme weather events, you might include an image of flooding, or wildfires, etc.
The Last One is an animated film about deforestation on Maui. In an effort to raise awareness of this overlooked topic, the film explores the driving reasons behind the phenomenon, the impacts to the ecosystem, and speculates on possible futures of these vulnerable landscapes.
Slide 3: Thesis Slide (Raejia)
Include your 1-3 sentance thesis statement here (from the thesis statement assignment. Since you already spoke your thesis over the previous slide, no need to pause here.
Issue Research
Slide 4: Issue Research (Isaiah)
SRepresent the 3 main issues your story is addressing With images and captions for each. Speak BRIEFLY to each. (This should be in part from the issue research assignment, but may have evloved since you've been developing your project.
"This story includes research about x topic, y topic, and z topic. "
Manaʻo a me a Neʻe | Emotive Sketches
Slide 5-Movment & Meaning Sketches: Gia
In the Manaʻo a me a Neʻe assignment, Each person in your group identified emotions that you want your animation to evoke in the audience- speak Briefly to those here.
while presentating this slide you might say :
"our group explored how to evoke the folowing emotions in our audience: x, y, z through movement alone"
Put 3 gif movement and meaning sketches (or 1 per group member). Under each write the emotive word that accompanied each
Adjust layout to accomodate amount of movements shown ( if you are a group of one, you wil only have one full page gif.)
This was an assignment where we used paper and movement to show and convey a specific emotion where we wanted our audience to connect to and have an understanding of.
Manaʻo a me a neʻe | Mimic Movement Research
Cutting Action Mechanical Linkage
sawing four bar linkage
Slides 6 - Mimic Movement Research Gia
In the Manaʻo a me a Neʻe assignment, each group member did hands on research mimicking a particular movement (example shown).
Put the 3 gifs (or however many prototypes your group had) - for the mimic movement exercise-
**Adjust layout to best show amount of prototypes shown.
if your group has only 2- get rid of the other box and make them similar to template slide 8 for instance.
After, with this assignment we explored with different types of movement that we thought would compliment our animation
Asset 1 : Brainstorming & First Prototype | Displaying the forests that are no longer forests by using a flipping motion
Slides 7: Asset 1 Brainstorming and first hand prototypes
This is brainstorming skethes and first hand prototypes for your first asset that you produced during the manaʻo a me a neʻe assingment.
Include the brainstorming skeches, any hand prototypes created for that asset (if you had more than one, show that here. Edit the caption accordingly to explain
What to say: breifly describe your approach to your asset, how it would help communicate meaning (how and why it moves), and what you learned.
Asset 2 : Brainstorming & First Prototype | demonstrates a sawing motion
Slide 8: Asset 2 Brainstorming and first hand prototypes
Same instructions as previous slide (but for second asset ) - rmember during this assignment we only required one asset prototype per group member, so delete slides you don't need.
Asset 3 : Brainstorming & First Prototype | transition from forest to buildings
Slide 9: Asset 3 Brainstorming and first hand prototypes
Same instructions as previous slide (but for second asset ) - remember during this assignment we only required one asset prototype per group member, so delete slides you don't need.
Story Arc
Slide 10: Story Arc Group.
Include the most recent story arc your group created during the Narrative Workshop.
Speak concisely to the parts of the narrative:
Start story from the end. (Specifically, the last tree falling over) Next, we can have a flashback of where there is a forest abundant with native trees and animals. Then we will have the invasive species and humans enter the storyline.
Rising Action: Humans arrive and so do invasive species
Climax: Trees begin to be cut down and overrun by invasive species
Falling action: The trees begin to rapidly decline in numbers and not a strong enough effort is made to preserve them.
Resolution: Resume from the beginning, final tree falls (we will be following the story through the perspective of this tree.
Slide 11: Storyboard (Isaiah)
This is our story board and it is a visual representation of how we envisioned our story arc
Asset 1 : (Cow Conveyer Belt) Orthographic & Digital Drawings
Slide 12: Asset 1 Orthos
(L)- hand drawn orthos / sketches
(R)- Digital orthos/ sketches
edit text to describe asset
Asset 1 (Cow Conveyer Belt ) Prototype V2
Slide 13: Asset 1 Prototype Photos
3 stills of assembled laser cut prototoype (use different angles so audience can understand)
Asset 1: (Cow Coveyer Belt) gif
Slide 14: Asset 1 GIF
Shows Asset in Motion
Asset 2 : Saw Orthographic & Digital Drawings
Slide 18: Asset 2 Orthos
(L)- hand drawn orthos / sketches
(R)- Digital orthos/ sketches
edit text to describe asset
Asset 2 (Saw Prototype V2)
Slide 16: Asset 2 Prototype Photos
delete if not needed
3 stills- of assembled laser cut prototoype (use different angles so audience can understand)
Asset 2: sawing gif
Slide 17: Asset 2 GIF
Shows Asset in Motion
Asset 3 : (tree to building) Orthographic & Digital Drawings
Slide 18: Asset 3 Orthos
(L)- hand drawn orthos / sketches
(R)- Digital orthos/ sketches
edit text to describe asset
Asset 3 (tree to bulding) Prototype V2
Slide 19: Asset 3 Prototype Photos
delete if not needed
3 stills- of assembled laser cut prototoype (use different angles so audience can understand)
Asset 3: (tree to building) gifs
Slide 20: Asset 2 GIF
Shows Asset in Motion
Animation Sample
Slide 21: Animation Sample
Shows Assets together as a sample of your animation .
Reflection & Next Steps:
Our animation has a lot of room for growth. For example, finding a more fitting audio and audio effects for our film.
We need to find something that will engage our audience as well as strongly conveying the emotion and message we are trying to get across. We also need to find more data on this topic. The data we currently have is not sufficient to completely inform our audience about our issue. We also need to work on finding more assets that will help display it well. The assets we have, convey our message decently, but on the other hand, we could use more. We also need to determine if we want to have a narrator, or something like a display text on the screen, during the animation itself. We should also clarify a few things like the trees that we have. The straws could be used in a more accurate manner to convey our data. After looking at our first animation sample, we can conclude that it was mediocre and there is much to improve on.