During these unpleasant times, it is good to always be prepared. What would happen if the stores stopped shipping in goods that the people of Maui needed? This where the idea came in, what if there was something that grows food but also maintains its self? A hydroponic eco-system! This system can be an indoor or outdoor system depending on your living situation so that it will fit your needs. The Hydroponic Eco-System is a self-sustaining food production chamber aimed to combat food insecurity.
This hydroponic system is going to be built with every new house to ensure that people who live there have the option to grow their own food. The system only relies on a source of power to run the pump. The plants will grow in little tiny rocks to act like dirt so the water will maintain a clear color longer. Water that is on the top of the system will filter through the rocks and end up at the bottom of the system where the freshwater fish will be staying.
The bottom part of the system will be where the tilapia fish will be. They will eat any of the scraps from the veggies. They will also need to be fed. Other than a source of power and fish food the system is 100% self-efficient. A solar panel will be used to power the pump during the day and each house will have a battery bank for the extra power that is from that current day for the night. Depending on what types of food grown the system works amazingly.