Balance of Covid

Shayden Nomura

Slide 1: Movie Poster

This slide is a full page movie poster developed in the movie poster assignment and should contain a compelling animation images, title, tagline, and credits

Template Instructions:

This template is meant to help you organize your final review presentation. to grab images from other slides, you can copy the entire slide over, then move things from there.

Each slide has text to the side explaining what the content should depict.

it is your kuleana to make sure all the content makes sense. This means paying attention to captions, titles, formating, and not leaving behind traces of the weird gray boxes in the template.

Balance of Covid

Balancing COVID is an evaluation of the covid vaccine controversy. The animation explores relationships between vaccination rates and covid cases around the world.

The film follows its protagonist, Earth personified, through its infliction with the pandemic and the resulting conflict and controversy that ensues. The scales of justice are used to symbolize the measure of support and opposition to vaccination. The animation shows a possible future, the potential healing of the Earth by vaccination.